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CaminoCreativo - Experiential wisdom for a creative existence

Training Process

CaminoCreativo - Experiential wisdom for a creative existence

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
When I let go of what I have, 
I receive what I need.”

― Tao Te Ching

CAMINOCREATIVO training process is an offer to walk inside the mystery of what is shifting and emerging in our reality and in ourselves in these times of rapid change. It is not a dogma, nor a religion, nor a method, not a school. It is a process: a set of experiences which are ever changing, and at the same time contained inside concrete frames with archetypal foundation, with the purpose of facilitating EVOLUTION.


In the early 2000's through a series of travels and shamanic experiences it became clear for nomad researcher Nicolas Cambas that humanity was heading towards a dead-end road. Through decades of research and experimentation outside of the academic-institutional established tracks, syncretistic and original forms and structures to work with groups of people and catalyze evolutive processes began to emerge . These forms are impermanent, involve artistic playfulness and shamanic deepness,  and privilege the present moment and what seeks to emerge from the collective unconscious. In times of paradigm transformation this process enables physical and psychological healing as well as expansion in multiple levels of the collective and the Self.

Ancla 1

The background of this process lays down on 3 main branches:


Through expressive arts (theatre, music, dance and movement, clowning, improvisation in various formats).



Inspired and empowered in shamanic traditions from diverse ancient cultures and structured as well around humanistic and esoteric western knowledge and therapeutic praxis, like Jungian, transpersonal and process-oriented psychology.



Supported by the Neotenic biological evolutionary theory, scientific frame sustaining the evidence of the transformative effect of playfulness and creativity in humans and primates, as well as in the development of consciousness and evolution of life.

This process-oriented structure consists
on 5 collective on-site experiences

CaminoCreativo - Experiential wisdom for a creative existence

Step 1.
Unlearn to Be
Creativity in life

CaminoCreativo - Experiential wisdom for a creative existence

Step 2.
Harmony in Shadows
Shadow process

CaminoCreativo - Experiential wisdom for a creative existence

Step 3.
Myths, Rituals and Archetypes
Sacred dimension of existence 

CaminoCreativo - Experiential wisdom for a creative existence

Step 4.
The Threshold

CaminoCreativo - Experiential wisdom for a creative existence

Step 5.
Rewildment Expedition
A Vital Journey

The Creative Path  

is no other than the Tao.

In a world where the old paradigms are falling and the new ones are not clear yet, holding on to any permanent truth is shutting down from the massive transformation that is going on around and inside ourselves. In this context, any authentic pedagogy preparing us for actual and future times shall act as a bridge towards evolution, contemplating impermanence, presence and mystery as higher sources of attaining such purpose.


The basic active principle in which CAMINOCREATIVO is based is that our lost personal and collective capacity to be in tune with the universe can be trained, exalted and functionally recovered. Art, expression and creativity are medicines that connect retune and expand us. 

© 2024 CaminoCreativo

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